Summer of 2008 started out with a bang. For the first time in a few years we took a real vacation. So on June 18, we packed up all of our stuff and headed for our first stop. We spent a couple of days with Nathan's parents in Maryland. They babysat for us and Nathan and I went to go see the Orioles play the Astros. We always have such great seats there and it was a good game. Rory had a blast, of course and found plenty of adventures on her journey throughout their house. From there, we headed to Point Lookout, NY to visit with my family. We stayed in a great old beach house that was just across the street from the beach. The weather was beautiful, but the water was COLD! We didn't get in much--just enough to say that we did. I'm not sure how there is any sand left on the beach because Rory ate quite a bit of it.
Monday was the day to go to the city. Jimmy, Dad, Sean, Nathan and I started off the day by going to Queens and driving Nathan by where I used to live and getting breakfast. We ate in a park that I went to all the time when I was little and then headed on our way to the city. We took the subway in and did a run through of the city. We saw Times Square and St. Patrick's Cathedral. We got hot dogs and pretzels on carts (yum). We walked through Central Park. Well, actually, we fought our ways through the crazy jungle that is Central Park, fearing that we may never see daylight again. (Expecting to be able to cross a bridge that is not there is never a good thing.) When we finally broke free of Central Park, we walked over to the Museum of Natural History and stuck our heads in the door to cool down and look at the dinosaurs. Much fun.
On Tuesday, the whole group of us (except my mom) went to go see the Mets play the Seattle Mariners. The Mariners are awful--in the basement of the majors. So naturally, the Mets lost--nay, were SLAUGHTERED. To make matters worse, David Wright didn't play. We did get to see 2 people get tossed though.
Uncle Jimmy took care that Rory was decked from head to toe in Mets gear. Yeah, she looked like a boy, but she had the full Mets spirit going on, and people could actually tell from a distance that she was pulling for the Mets. The crazy little thing stayed awake for the ENTIRE game (which wasn't over until after 10). At one point, it looked like the Mets had a chance. Not really to win, just to score--at least once. We all put our rally caps on, and the drunk guys behind us got a kick out of Rory's rally cap. They just kept yelling "Baby with a rally cap! Baby with a rally cap! C'mon! Even the baby's wearing a rally cap!"
Even though the Mets beyond lost, I had a really great time. The rest of the week was fairly quiet. We enjoyed our time at the beach house and played obscene amounts of Scrabble. (I beat Aunt Margaret!!!! Twice!!!!!!!!) All in all, it was a nice trip. I'm glad we got a chance to have a good little family vacation.
The next thing on our agenda....
July 26--Rory turns one!
Glad you had a great vacation! Glad you are back, too. Don't worry about Rory eating the sand--there's some fiber in there somewhere. Hope to catch up with you soon!
Rory looked so cute all geared up.. next time get that girl in pink. :)