Catching up with Quinn

I've spent a lot of time lately talking about Rory and the costume. I haven't mentioned much of Quinn, which is a little bit unacceptable. So let me remedy that.

First of all, let me start by saying that rolling over is seriously the worst of all the milestones (at least the physical ones. Teething is pretty evil.) Nothing good can come of learning to roll from a position you like, to a position you hate, when you don't yet have the ability to roll out of that position. Just like Rory, Quinn learned to roll from back to tummy first. And just like Rory, Quinn loathes being on her stomach. So we've been dealing with a lot of angry lately. Because apparently not rolling is just not an option. She has rolled from tummy to back a handful of times, but she usually gets too flustered once on her tummy to do anything. I'm looking forward to her being able to roll from tummy to back at will. It will make my life SO much easier (or at least less scream filled).

She's also doing pretty well with sitting on her own. She'll actually sit for a 15-20 seconds by herself before she starts tipping over or otherwise flings herself backward. If it put a toy in front of her, she'll sit and play with it for even longer. She's growing up SO FAST. Which reminds me that I didn't post her stats from her 4 month appointment. She was actually almost 4.5 months at that point, but whatever. She was 16lbs 8oz (80something%) and 25 inches (95%). There's nothing little about that girl. Her rolls have rolls. And I love it!

We've also introduced her to a few solids. I've included some pictures so you can see for yourself how that went.

Homemade butternut squash. First attempt at spoon feeding...

Sweet potatoes were pretty much the same. And every kid likes sweet potatoes. Oh well. Maybe I'll find something she likes.


And since I obviously haven't posted about it enough, I thought I would talk about Rory's costume some more. :) Can't help it. I think I'm still in shock that I pulled it off. I was so happy with it I sent a couple of pictures to a Yo Gabba Gabba! fan site and Rory won a stuffed Brobee pirate doll. Yippee!!

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