So,the BA BA BA is Rory's two cents--on everything. I just thought I would go ahead and get that out there. Anyway, I sat down to write because it's been awhile and I felt obligated. Well, shockingly enough, I realized that I had a ton of stuff to write about! So I'm going to write about the month of April in little snippets. Themed ones, perhaps. No chronological order--just to be a pain.

April was the month of politicians in Greenville. On April 12, Bill Clinton came and spoke--at my school, of all places. So naturally, me being the social studies dork that I am, showed up early (with my entire department of social studies dorks) and got in line with the staff. Good move on my part, because I got super close. I even got to shake his had afterward. It was really incredible to see a former President of the United States speak. He talked about his presidency a little and then spoke on behalf of his wife. To be completely honest, though, I don't give two flips about Hillary. Can't stand her. Going to that rally was nothing but an opportunity to meet a president. Shameful, I know.

It seemed almost as magic, but the day after Clinton spoke, it was announced that Barack Obama would be speaking at ECU. The day of the rally, I darted across town as soon as school got out and serendipitously wound up standing at the front waiting to see him speak. I have a knack for getting right at the front, but this time it took all of the planets aligning in some cosmic coincidence--there were already about 6,000 people in line when I got to ECU. At any rate, Obama was a phenomenal speaker. Still all politician, though. He spoke of his desire for change and he spoke of a better America. The speech was filled with all of the things we hope for--except a plan for how to make it work.
Don't forget to early vote. If you aren't registered you can register and vote on the same day. I'm pretty sure you can change your part affiliation and vote, too. So please, go early vote--there are only (I think) two days left! If you miss it, of course, you can vote in the primary on May 6. Please, for the love of all things, go vote for Obama. If Hilary becomes our next president, I may have to move to Canada. I have yet to decide between McCain and Obama, but either is better than Hillary.