Following Directions
Sometimes I really miss living in a condo. Like today. Lawn day. Ugh.
I guess I really shouldn't complain too much, though, because I'm the one that volunteered to do the lawn. It may sound crazy, but I spend all week in the house, watching the kids so this is an opportunity for me to have some "alone time". It may not be my ideal notion of alone time, but when you are a stay-at-home-mom to two kids, you take when you can get. Back to my point.
The actual lawn mowing wasn't too bad, except that we've had so much rain that I had to use the bag on the mower so my yard didn't look like a mess. No, the bad part isn't the mowing. It's the weed-eating. The worst part about weed-eating? Trying to get the stupid weed-eater started. I'm super grateful to my wonderful brother for gifting me with a gas weed-eater, but at the same time, there are a marathon of steps to go through to get it started. I'll explain:
Step 1 - Press bulb 10 times.
Step 2 - Press trigger and pull cord 5 times.
Step 3 - Switch throttle to 2
Step 4 - Get in your car and drive to Canada
Step 5 - Find a Mountie named Frank. He will give you an address in Albequerque.
Step 6 - Go to that address. It's a setup by the people that burned you. Run. (Oops.. that's a TV show) You will find a file with a password.
Step 7 - Catch a plane to NY. Go to FAO Schwartz. The password must be played into the big piano. If you put it in correctly, chopsticks will play.
Step 8 - Steal a car and drive home as fast as you can. If you aren't fast enough, the weed-eater will run out of gas and you'll have to start over.
It was a lot of work. It's amazing that the lawn got done.